Friday, October 24, 2014

Dog Whines While Owner Gets Coffee

Earlier today a dog named Craig caused a ruckus on Washington Boulevard, whining for over 8 minutes while his owner went into a store to get coffee. Those sitting outside recounted the incident:

"I didn't know whose dog it was. I just wanted him to shut up." said Cindy, 42, in town from Portland. "I gave him some Juicy Fruit. But that only kept him quiet for a minute, cause the flavor only lasts that long, you know? I don't even know why I buy it."

Fred, 76, a retired bishop now driving for Lyft, had this to say. "I didn't really notice, I can't hear that well. Uh don't tell Lyft."

Allie and Erin, freshman at UCLA, offered: "We wanted to pet him, but we weren't sure if he'd bite hehehehe!"

"People look, get over it. It's a dog whining. Sheesh. My thing is that leash. Who has a 2ft purple leash." said Lenda, a parking enforcement officer.

We finally spoke with Mike, presumably the pooch's owner. We asked him his thoughts, does he think it's irresponsible? Are people overreacting? Is the behavior typical for Craig? Was this out of nowhere?

"Oh, this isn't my dog." Mike replied. "It's my girlfriend's. She just got it yesterday. So you know, who knows. Wait hold on. His name isn't Craig anymore. It's Dinky now. She just texted me that."

He showed us the text and indeed the dog's identity had changed since the story broke.

"Whether there's more to the story or not remains to be seen, but politically, it's a smart move," said Karl Rove, who happened to walk by and catch what was going on. "Say a formal complaint were to be filed. You can't file it against Craig. Craig's gone. It's Dinky now. And Dinky technically didn't do anything. The court's gonna throw it out. Right now let's just see what happens, how all this plays out, but if I'm in the Dinky camp I'm not having too much trouble going to sleep tonight, any law professor will tell you this is pretty much a check mate situation."

We couldn't help but ask Mr. Rove the million dollar question.

"Do I plan on running in 2016? (laughs) Nah. But I'll be around. You'll see. You'll see..."

With that came a flash of light, and Mr. Rove turned into a butterfly and flew away into the sunset. Zigzag patterns.

More as this story continues to unfold but if you're just tuning in it appears Dinky the dog will likely NOT face any charges according to veteran political analyst Karl Rove.