Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Movement To Stop Calling Valdosta "Valdookie" Met With Resistance

Old habits die hard, is the most logical explanation for why people won't stop calling Valdosta "Valdookie." Now they've doubled down adding more silly nicknames to the mix like "ValDiesel," "Valdumpster," "ValKillme," "Valdummy," "Valdicky," "Valdonkey,"  "Valdorko," "ValDiGiorno," "ValHickie," "ValDenny's," "ValDomino's," "ValSmelly," "ValDonald's," "V-Diddy," "Vonky Kong," "Valdusty", "VAlpo," "ValNarnia," "ValDooDoo" and "ValDingdong" among others that can't be listed. No word yet on why this map excludes prominent cities like Atlanta, Nashville, as well as every city in Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina, among others.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Stop Calling Valdosta "Valdookie"

These jokers have been calling Valdosta, GA "Valdookie" which is uncalled for so here's my take: it's fine to give a town a nickname as long as it's FUN and PLAYFUL like "Nashvegas" or "Cincy" or "Hotlanta." But Valdookie is just RUDE. It doesn't even rhyme. These bozos just replaced the 2nd half of Valdosta with "dookie" and guess what no one's laughing. You can't just make dookie part of a city then suddenly it's humorous like calling Dallas "Daldookie" or South Detroit "SoDookie" or San Diego "Dookie Diego." I don't like having to write blog posts like this to raise awareness but what's the alternative? Let bozos run wild? 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

5 Bands You're Not Allowed To Not Like That I Don't Like

5. Radiohead - These guys play calculator music I am not down.
Author's note* - I'm down!

4. Led Zeppelin - More like Stairway to Hell 'nuff sed.
Author's note* - When?

3. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Ok these guys are actually good (not) oooh #owned
Author's note* - Fun times when?

2. The Rolling Stones - Guess what NOPE haha #trolled
Author's note* - I'm hangry.

1. The Beatles - Sorry not sorry ps nice songs pffft
Author's note* - iPhone 4s for #lyfe