Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Movement To Stop Calling Valdosta "Valdookie" Met With Resistance

Old habits die hard, is the most logical explanation for why people won't stop calling Valdosta "Valdookie." Now they've doubled down adding more silly nicknames to the mix like "ValDiesel," "Valdumpster," "ValKillme," "Valdummy," "Valdicky," "Valdonkey,"  "Valdorko," "ValDiGiorno," "ValHickie," "ValDenny's," "ValDomino's," "ValSmelly," "ValDonald's," "V-Diddy," "Vonky Kong," "Valdusty", "VAlpo," "ValNarnia," "ValDooDoo" and "ValDingdong" among others that can't be listed. No word yet on why this map excludes prominent cities like Atlanta, Nashville, as well as every city in Alabama, Mississippi and South Carolina, among others.

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